Wednesday, February 11, 2009

'How To Succeed' Cast List

‘How To Succeed…’ Cast List
Thank you to everyone who tried out. This was a very hard decision and we appreciate everyone’s hard work and effort.
IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR ROLE, PLEASE LET MALO KNOW ASAP. You can get your script from Jenn at our first rehearsal, 02/18/09.
It is Howell High School Performing Arts Department policy to not discuss casting for 24 hours.

J. Pierpont Finch Derek Ridge

Gatch Chris Callaway

J.B. Biggley Tyler Chinn

Rosemary Hannah Schmitdke

Bratt Joe Hillier

Smitty Kim Chappel

Bud Frump Justin Schnute

Miss Jones Laura Fleming

Mr. Twimble Kyle Radabaugh

Hedy Mary Dilworth

Krumholtz Andrea Conroy

Toynbee TBA

Jenkins TBA

Tackaberry Max Wellington

Peterson TBA

Ovington Chris Callaway

Policeman Max Wellington

Womper Alex Drew

Valerie Sartor Sierra Lane Becca Moore
Jackie Bush Caitlyn Eldred
Alaina Sciberras Erin Radick

Monday, February 9, 2009

Callbacks for 'How To Succeed...'

Callbacks for ‘How To Succeed In Business….’
Thank you to everyone who auditioned. Just because you were not called back does not mean that you are not cast. Please check the cast list on Thursday, 2/12.

Sides will be available afterschool, 2/10/09 from Ms. Malo in K-5. EVERYONE will be reading and singing.

Callbacks are Wed, 2/11/09 in the auditorium. Please be prepared to stay until we are done.

Tyler Chinn
Joe Hillier
Derek Ridge
Justin Schnute
Max Wellington

Jackie Bush
Kim Chappel
Andrea Conroy
Megan Cook
Mary Dilworth
Caitlyn Eldred
Laura Fleming
Sierra Lane
Becca Moore
Ali Murphy
Erin Radick
Valerie Sartor
Hannah Schmidtke
Alaina Sciberras
Brooke Sutherland