Friday, May 21, 2010

Advanced Drama 2010-2011

Thank you to all who auditioned. I had more people try out this year than ever before and this was a very difficult decision to make. For the first time, there is waiting list for the class and I will contact you in the fall if a spot becomes available.

Please let Malo know if you do not use Facebook. We will have a page starting very soon.

It is Howell High School Performing Arts Policy to not discuss any casting/class placement for 24 hours.

1. Jackie Albert
2. Jacob Bair
3. Drew Bremer
4. Zach Campbell
5. Dante Cantwell
6. Dawn Cantwell
7. Tyler Chinn
8. Kourtney Debottis
9. Mary Dilworth
10. Anna Dorsey
11. Mallory Dowdle
12. Chevelle Ducett
13. Shane Dzierwa
14. Karli French
15. Bryan Garra
16. Ryan Grabijas
17. Sean Heslip
18. Lisa Markarian
19. Evan Norton
20. Nicole Onderchanin
21. Hannah Owens
22. Bethany Perkins
23. Tyler Petersen
24. Olivia Queenan
25. Kyle Radabaugh
26. Kayla Raymond
27. Payton Reilly
28. Che Robinson
29. Scott Robinson
30. TJ Sharum
31. Meg St. Andrew
32. Jesse Techentin
33. Henry Tesmer
34. Kerry Traskos
35. Max Wellington
36. Caleb Wimbrow